Tuesday, January 31, 2017

THREE Rallies at the State Capital for Liberty - Wednesday, Feb 8th

The Oklahoma State Legislator is about to go into Session and there are plenty of bills designed to restore our God given natural rights.

Why be an activist? My personal goal is protect our time and labor from being forcibly taken by our neighbors in the name of government so that we may use these resources to build the Kingdom of God as He has called us to do in the name of Christ. Yes, we need a government to punish evil doers but that is pretty much about it.

Wednesday, Feb 8th - Rally Day at the State Capital

There will be THREE rallies on the same day. I am hoping you will attend all three and help out with visiting legislators after each of them. Let's make a full day of it!

9:30amOklahoma Conservative PAC is hosting an Anti-Abortion Rally and a Health Freedom Rally.  Meet us in the Hall of Governors in the southwest corner of the second floor to receive push cards to distribute in support of the Resolution to Abolish Abortion.

Noon – Oklahomans for Vaccine and Health Choice PAC is hosting a the 2nd Anual Health Freedom Rally. Meet on the 1st Floor Rotunda and hear from Del Bigtree before visiting state legislators.

2pm – The Oklahoma Chapters of the John Birch Society invites everyone to attend as we visit legislators in teams with prepared handouts asking them to support our position on the bills shown below. It's important that they see us eye-to-eye and hear our cry for freedom! Meet us in the Hall of Governors in the southwest corner of the second floor.

Why do we visit the capital?

While the bills listed below will help to restore our rights the reality is that we need to grow our ranks and get more people involved. Use the information in these weekly messages to encourage your neighbors to join you. If all we assist in getting one or two of these bills passed we will have accomplished little because they are matched with 400 bad bills that pass an average year. Getting our neighbors involved will have a much greater impact.

Bring your friends!

Forward this email to friends and encourage them to sign up at: OklahomaFreedom.org

Protecting Life

HB1699 (Rep. Calvey) – This bill basically puts term limits on the Oklahoma State Supreme Court. Why is this a Pro-Life bill? Because for years all Pro-Life legislation pass out of the capital faced a certain death in the courts.


SB817 (Sen. Silk) calls abortion what it is, murder, and calls for the prosecution of any doctor accordingly who performs this procedure.


SB732 (Sen. Dahm) – This bill makes it possible to refuse to grant a medical license to a doctor who performs an abortion.


Resolution – John Michener is asking for a resolution calling for the Legislature to recognize and state that abortion is criminal in Oklahoma.


Status There is a debate in the Pro-Life community over strategy. Namely incrementalism (SB732) or absolutism (SB817 and John's resolution). SB817 will likely be assigned to the Senate Health and Human Services Committee and not likely be granted a hearing by the Chairman, Sen. Yen, who received the lowest score of any other Senate last year on The Oklahoma Constitution Index. If SB817 actually cleared Sen. Yen it may well make it all the way to the Governor's desk. Unfortunately, Gov. Fallin vetoed a similar bill last year. It is believed by many that Fallin did this so it would not interfere with her national level career ambitions. My hope and prayer is that Gov. Fallin will prove everyone wrong and pass this bill this year.

Protecting our Representative Republic

HB1106 (Rep. Cleveland) – This bill basically reduces the number of voting days we have in Oklahoma. Have you seen those voting days that seem out of season and you don't hear about? Often they are on such matters as school bonds. Those who want school bonds know of the votes well in advance. Often those of us who may vote against such bonds don't seem to hear about it in time to do some research and arrange our schedules to vote. I believe this is intentional and defeats the premise of being a representative republic.


Status Pending committee assignment.

Parental Rights with Vaccine Choice

Support HB1386 (Rep. Gann) – This bill calls for the ingredients list of vaccines be made available to people before they get a vaccine shot. If the ingredients can be listed on a box of cereal when we purchase it surely the same can be done with vaccines. Right? This is all a part of Informed Consent and is important because Congress grants vaccine manufactures immunity from law suits for the vaccine injured. It's appropriate for the state of Oklahoma to protect it's citizens when the federal government will not.


Oppose SB83 (Sen. Yen) – This bill would require parents to get a doctor's permission to not vaccinate their children before the attend a government school. Today a parent can request admission to a school for their children and just state that their child is not vaccinated. Any chemical injected into a child's body should only be done with the consent of the parent. Requiring a child to be vaccinated before they can attend school such as this bill does is nothing short of coercion and violate the natural law of parental rights.


Status – Both bills are pending committee assignment.

Protecting our Property Rights

HB2248 (Rep. Brumbaugh) – This bill reduces some of the reasons that the government can use to commandeer private property. Right now the government can take our property for almost any reason which is useful for such efforts as the United Nations Agenda 21 and your local real estate tycoon who wants to use friends in the local government to take someone else's land and give it to them (yes, this has happened).


Status Pending committee assignment.

Oklahoma State Sovereignty

SJR37 (Sen. Bass) – These resolution calls for a ballot to be placed up for a vote of the people to amend the Oklahoma Constitution. The amendment, if passed, would make the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution the supreme law of the land in Oklahoma and remove the language which says Oklahoma can not secede from the United States.

The resolution can be viewed at:


Status - A first read suggests this is a positive for Oklahoma. Before running with it I would like to pass it by others that I trust on such matters. More next week. What do you think of it?

Take care, Bob ...
Bob Donohoo
For the Volunteer Members and Friends
Of the Oklahoma Chapters
Of the John Birch Society
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